Rita Tiriboyi
Country: Zimbabwe
Advocacy areas: SRHR, Gender equality, Education
Languages: English, Shona
Inspired to develop and empower!
Rita Tiriboyi is an Educationist, sport scientist, writer and advocate for youth and women development. She is a former Forum for African Women Educationist – Zimbabwe (FAWEZI) board secretary. Rita once worked with Sports Leaders Institute of Zimbabwe and Simukaupenye Intergrated Youth Academy as an administrator. She is a holder of a diploma in Education plus a Bacherlor of Science Honours degree in Physical Education and Sport. Rita volunteers with a number of community serving groups and organisations including: Sports and Recreation Commission and Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe. She is a mentor to young women under the African Women Leaders Network (AWLN). Rita is a founder of a women led community based organisation called Ree Inspiration for Girl child Empowerment (RIGE) Trust which is based in Bindura, Zimbabwe. Under RIGE, Rita is a member of Youth Empowerment and Transformation Trust (YETT) and Education Coalition of Zimbabwe.
Current Projects:
Strengthening Health Education Delivery in Communities (SHEDIC) project which is aimed at ensuring women and men have access to SRHR services, information and products.
Promoting male SRHR champions in rural community of Bindura
Youth Empowerment & Transformation Trust (YETT)
Education Coalition of Zimbabwe
African Women Leaders Network