Who We Are

Who We Are

We are Women of the South Speak Out (WOSSO)


Achieved by

Our values

Common values:

  1. Collaboration;
  2. Feminist movement-building;
  3. Intersectionality;
  4. Challenging traditional power structures and
  5. Centring lived experience


Everyone has their own, unique experiences of being a woman and as WOSSO we make it our priority to consider everything that makes a woman feel marginalised. To achieve equality we must consider intersectionality. As WOSSO, we support diverse women and women’s rights organisations to take the lead, use their voices to guide policies, and call for change.

Centring lived experience

In solidarity with women and women’s rights organisations, WOSSO draws wisdom and direction from the rich and diverse life experiences and expertise of grassroots women from the Global South.

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