Lynet Tinoza
Country: Zimbabwe
Advocacy areas: Early and unintended pregnancy prevention, ASRHR, Feminist practices for inclusion, Gender Norms Transformation, Mental health and Economic Empowerment Approaches for AGYW
Languages: English, Shona
As a dedicated human rights and women’s rights activist, my work is rooted in the belief that every individual deserves access to comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and the capacity to overcome social issues such as Gender-Based Violence, EUP and HIV. I am passionate about empowering young people to take charge of their health and resilience against socio-economic injustices. Through my work, I strive to advance youth social, economic, and health rights, showcasing my knowledge and skills in advocating for a just and equitable society. As a Wosso Fellow, I am committed to continuing this journey, making a meaningful impact in the fight for adolescent and girls sexual and reproductive health and rights and strengthening their resilience against socio-economic challenges.
IWith a robust background in human rights and women’s rights activism, my professional journey has been driven by a commitment to advancing young people’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and strengthening their capacity in addressing critical social issues such as Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), Early and unintended pregnancies, Chilf marriages and HIV. I hold a Master of Science degree in Public Policy and Development Management and a Bachelor’s degree in Development Studies. Currently, serving as a Regional Program Officer (SRHR and Gender) at SAfAIDS, where I have been instrumental in supporting programmes towards enabling positive SRHR outcomes for adolescents and young people in Southern Africa, aligning with the Strategy on SRHR in the SADC Region (2019-2030).
I have gained invaluable experience in this field by working as a programs officer under the UN Women funded spotlight initiative that was being implemented in 5 provinces of Zimbabwe and having me leading the implementation of such a huge project in the district of Matobo gave me in-depth knowledge of what women and girls in rural communities go through and how this is attributed to the correlations of power distribution and imbalances that disadvantage women. I continue to carry out advocacy initiatives that seek to redress discrimination against women and bring about permanent solutions to the plight of women and girls.
Areas of expertise:
Adolescents and Young People SRHR Policy advocacy and policy development, Gender Norms Transformative Practices for key and vulnerable populations, climate action management, SRH/ HIV Good Practice Documentation, SRH/HIV Programme management, Good Practice Documentation.
Current Projects:
I am currently supporting the following projects under SAfAIDS:
Transforming Lives program – This initiative aims to create a conducive policy environment that enables positive SRHR outcomes for adolescents and young people in Southern Africa, aligning with the Strategy on SRHR in Sub-Saharan Africa (2019-2030).
Youth in Prison Populations Alliance program – promoting health and HIV rights for marginalized youth prison populations.
Quarterly delivery, co-facilitation, and moderation of a regional e-learning course on Social Accountability Monitoring for Adolescents and Young People’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SAM4AYPSRHR).
Personal Projects
Teenage Mothers Empowerment Initiative (TEMI). TEMI is a crucial step towards addressing the pressing issues faced by teenage mothers, including Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV). The initiative aims to empower teenage mothers with the skills and support needed to overcome challenges and thrive. TEMI aims to create a supportive and empowering environment for teenage mothers, enabling them to overcome challenges, realize their full potential, and lead healthy, fulfilling lives. By addressing both their mental well-being and practical skill needs, TEMI contributes to reducing GBV and promoting SRHR, ensuring that teenage mothers can thrive and contribute positively to their communities.
African Youth Climate Assembly
IVolunteer International
Zimbabwe Council of Churches
Harare Youth Leaders